Sunday, October 5, 2008

Hari Raya and its Situations

Raya is a great time to get together and catch up with family and friends. It is a time to seek for forgiveness and to spend time together. I happened to notice 2 interesting things this year that is related to this special occasion.

Closeness can be seen and felt between people.

In the spirit of raya, many people will often visit each other. What many fail to realize is that non-verbal communication is equally as important as verbal communication. Greeting “Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir & Batin” and Saying “I love you, I miss you” or even “take care” won’t really mean much if the people who are sending out those messages are not warm. A “salam” between people should show care and respect. A hug should be felt, not simply given for the sake of showing love. A smile should be welcoming and sincere, not fake. Whatever actions and facial expressions we portray are symbolic and they are irreversible. It is these little things that will create a good impression of us in the eyes of others. First impressions are what people will remember, even if they are wrong. So, be cautious of how to present one self, especially if one plans to visit again next year. Communication is not simple, but we have to at least try to be the best we can be.

Difference in personalities = Different Communication Style

We are all born with unique personalities, something of our own. Some are extroverts while others are introverts. Our self concept of our self affects how we interact with others. Hari Raya Open Houses are a good place to observe how people differ in communicating with others. In this situation, there are many small group communications taking place. People who are competent communicators are usually extroverts- they are friendly and get along easily with other people. They are flexible and can easily adapt themselves to new situations. They’ve got the right skills and are usually highly self-monitored about their behaviors. Sometimes, I wonder what they talk about with people they have just met. But I do know too that communication doesn’t require complete understanding, so I guess successful communication can still occur even if there are little shared history between these people. Introverts, on the other hand are less successful to convey what they want to say. Communicators can occupy different environment, so it is a bit harder for people who are less spontaneous to talk to others. However, competence can be learned and they should also realize that there’s no ideal way to communicate. They mustn’t be so hard on themselves if they feel a bit isolated from the group.


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