Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Importance of Communication

Okay…I just got back from kampung. I am exhausted, but I’m in the mood to blog. So I shall. =)

Communication is important during the festive seasons.

Haha…one might be wondering why I made this statement, huh? Here are the reasons:

1. To send and wish raya greetings to family and friends

Gone were the days where I used to post raya cards to my friends. Now, communication is so simple and easy. There are so many channels available to get our messages across to people. Simply sms or mail them an e-card. You can reach them even if they’re far away and have not been in contact with you for some time. After all, it is the thought that counts. =)

2. To be informed about visitors coming over to the house

Imagine this scenario:

The wheather outside is so hot. You are wearing loose comfortable clothes, lazing around with family members in the living room. Your almost falling asleep…aaahh…it’s so nice to sleep after lunch. Then all of a sudden….there’s a knock on the door followed by a “Assalamualaikummmmm!!”” Sigh, happiness ended. You gotta force yourself to get to the door and greet the unexpected visitors.

It is very annoying if people drop by without a proper notice. Not only are you interrupted, but things could get pretty hectic. You gotta rush to prepare food and drinks, fill up the “balang” with “kueh raya” and of course, to change into nicer looking clothes. [It’s part of the identity management stuff]

Communication won’t run smoothly due to the chaotic environment and all the external distractions.

3. To remind self to have self-control

[Haha…this relates to me.] After fasting for 1 month, it’s common for people to overeat and indulge themselves with all the yummylicious cookies and tempting rendangs. Thus, they need to have an intrapersonal communication with themselves. To self-check and remind themselves to control what they eat. Not only will it be rude if one eats too much while visiting others, one’s stomach will also be bloated with food. No no, not a good sight.


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